The ability of Amman to adapt over the years has
seen the city survive where others have fallen.
Le Royal is no different in that sense. When owners
of the five-star hotel decided to do a full upgrade
with 32 completely new elevators, careful attention
was paid to the environmental impact of the new
Green scene in the desert
Amman’s position in the hilly northwest of Jordan means
that while the city can bask in hot summers, winter
temperatures can drop to near freezing – and snowstorms
are a common occurrence.
The hotel is also home to a shopping mall and spa, so as
modernization began in winter, the project was executed
in two stages – prioritizing guest and visitor comfort and
accessibility to services at all times.
“It’s challenging enough to work in a single shaft with three
elevators,” explains
Khalaf Almaddan
, General Manager
of Petra Elevators, KONE’s distributor in Jordan. “We
knew that we would see some rough weather during the
installation, so we had to first seal off shafts, doors and the
machine room with customized plastic sheeting to keep
the cold out and the heat in.”
KONE experts justified that elevator modernization was an
opportunity to save on energy consumption; with both a
positive environmental impact and an obvious reduction in
running costs. The KONE EcoDisc
motor was the perfect
solution, offering 50 to 70 percent more energy-efficiency
than standard two-speed or hydraulic hoisting technology,
as well as the utilization of LED lighting and standby
solutions – for lights, door operation, fans and signalization
– which offer extra savings.
Essential aesthetics
Keeping with KONE’s design philosophy, an elevator
experience is more than a ride – it should incorporate
“The architect envisioned an elevator that offers guests a
breathtaking view, along with an elegant internal decor,”
says Almaddan. “Use of the KONE MiniSpace
scenic elevator
means that panoramic elevator travel was possible, as required
by the new specs. The doors required a special design which
was achieved by our supplier by using titanium nitrile
paneling with multi-directional etching.”
But as Almaddan adds, this was a large job by any
standards: “We modernized 32 elevators of various loads
and speeds to fit the building’s requirements. The KONE
Maintenance Service contract is a good testimony
to the customer’s satisfaction.”