series wins
prestigious award
KONE has been awarded a 2009 GOOD
DESIGN award for its sleek KONE Design
Signalization series. The recently launched
series offers timeless design and durable tech-
nology. The signalization panel enables the
integration of guiding information, bringing
usability to a new level. The panel can also
be localized to accommodate the specific
trends, styles, functions and regulations of
different countries and regions.
“The KONE Design Signalization series
represents a new perspective in modern ele-
vator design. It is a bold jump from standard
stainless steel signalizations to a new world of
colors and unique graphics, which can match
any kind of cabin design,” comments
, vice president, Design, KONE.
KONE is the only elevator and escalator
company to have ever received a GOOD
DESIGN award in 60 years.
ride comfort,
Vertical transport
for 55,000
football fans
KONE will deliver 39 elevators and
31 escalators to the National Stadium
under construction in Warsaw, Po-
land. Considered the most modern
football arena in Central Europe, the
National Stadium will play host to the
UEFA EURO 2012™ European Football
The issues of convenient and safe
flow of football fans within the facil-
ity as well as the possibility of their
quick evacuation were top priorities.
All requirements have been met with the
installation of 16 KONE MonoSpace®
and 23 KONE MonoSpace Special eleva-
tors, including four fire fighting eleva-
tors, 22 KONE EcoMaster® escalators
inside and nine outside the building.
The National Stadium is slated to
open in the middle of 2011; and con-
struction costs will amount to nearly
EUR 300 million.
KONE has won an order to supply
41 elevators and four escalators for
Gate Towers in Abu Dhabi, United
Arab Emirates. The project will
feature 11 KONE MonoSpace®
Special platforms, 27 KONE Mini-
Space™ elevators, three KONE
TransSys™ freight elevators as
well as four KONE TravelMaster™
“Our main objective for the
project is to provide solutions with
a unique People Flow™ experience
while offering residents and visitors
excellent ride comfort,” comments
Tarek Elnaggar
, regional director
of KONE Middle East.
The Gate Towers are part of
the Gate District development
and sit at the entrance of Al Reem
Island. The project features one
23-story residential tower and
three 65-story residential and
office buildings.
The towers will have a stunning
presence on the island’s skyline
and are scheduled for completion
in the second half of 2012.