When a relationship lasts 15 years, the chemistry must be right. KONE’s partnership with Metro de Madrid assures
a smooth ride for three million daily commuters in the Spanish capital.
Lifeline of Madrid
Opened in 1919, Metro de Madrid keeps the city on track,
serving 47 million commuters every month, from six in the
morning until 1:30 at night. Covering 293 kilometers and
300 stations, the subway is the eighth longest in the world,
and its rapid expansion over the past two decades places it
among the world’s fastest-growing rail networks.
Making sure Madrid’s main artery remains in running
condition is a challenging task handled by a team of KONE
specialists. In a close partnership that is still strong after
15 years, KONE has supplied Metro de Madrid with
334 new escalators and 122 new elevators, as well as
handling the servicing, modernization and repair of 334
escalators, 355 elevators and 25 automatic doors.
Responsive to needs
“The metro system has grown significantly over the last few
years. There is strong trust between us, which has been won
through customer focus, hard work and honesty,” says KONE
Key Account Manager
Javier Rodríguez
Equipment availability is all-important. If equipment fails,
it impacts directly on Metro de Madrid’s image and business,
notes Rodríguez. Elevator downtime is especially challenging
for groups with special needs, such as disabled commuters
or families with children.
In the event of a problem, KONE’s dedicated team is ready
to act to get the equipment back in service as rapidly as
possible, carefully registering every action and keeping Metro
de Madrid informed of any malfunctions. In addition to the
Key Account Manager, the team comprises 18 escalator
service technicians, eight elevator service technicians,
one supervisor and two administrative back-up personnel.
Learning curves
KONE’s role is not only to keep equipment in service,
but also to offer the best user experience to commuters.
Various tailored services are offered to optimize equipment
availability, including daily analysis of call-out reports,
monthly meetings with the customer to review key
performance indicators, and regular safety audits.